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FAQ for Criminal Defense

…allow us to do several things such as: (1) discuss your case further with the prosecutor, (2) request additional discovery, (3) present discovery/materials to the prosecutor, (4) engage in plea…

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Authorization to Obtain Medical Records

…X-Ray, CT scan, film, MRI, and Radiologic Diagnostic Reports; Medical Reports, EKG, ECG, Surgical and Operative Reports; Patient Records, Chat Notes, Progress Notes, Consultations, Discharge Summary; Dental Records and/or Opthalmology…

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General Authorization to Obtain Records

…Personnel, attendance, employment, payroll and wage records of my employer or school; Tax Returns; Police, Sheriff, and CHP accidents reports and records; Contracts, agreements, attendance records, payment records that pertain…

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Theft Crimes

…to resolve your case: (1) Pre-Trial dismissal; (2) Guilty Plea or (3) Trial, which can result in a ‘Not Guilty’ verdict or a ‘Guilty’ verdict. 1. Pre-Trial Dismissal A Pre-Trial…

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Drug Crimes

…to get financial information; (4) victim’s information was stolen in a residential burglary, robbery, or theft from a person; (5) used/possessed more than three victims’ financial information; (6) opened more…

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Client Intake Form

CLIENT INTAKE FORM Contact /Personal Information Today’s Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Name* First Last Date of Birth* Month123456789101112 Day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Year2025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920 Email* Mobile Phone Number* Home Phone Number Address*…

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I would highly recommend Mr Court for any criminal case consulting. His approach was thoroughly professional. he was a great listener and a good strategist. His approach was methodical and he didnt rush into any decisions. I changed my counsel just before my first court date and Mr Court did an excellent job. The case was finally dismissed in my favor. I would consider myself lucky but Mr court had some innovative ways to approach my case. It was such a pleasure to have Mr Court on my side. He was super responsive over texts and emails. He was punctual and very gentle in communication.
We never imagined we would be in the position to need a defense attorney, but when we did, we were so thankful that we found Court Will. Both he and Michelle are truly the best. Court is extremely dedicated, thoughtful, calm, and confident. He took time to get to know us, the case, and really ensured that we understood not only what was happening, but all possible outcomes. Court was honest, answered every question, took his time with us, gave excellent advice, and ultimately got the best possible outcome we could have hoped for. He is brilliant, and we are most grateful.
After some research & speaking with other attorneys, I came across Court. I instantly knew he was right for my situation. I met him shortly after we discuss some details on the phone. He was very pleasant & very understanding of this difficult time in my life. One of the hardest things I have ever gone through. Of course I hired him. As months passed, he reached out to me & gave me the best news/results I have ever heard. I know the work he did in the background & I couldn’t be more grateful. Thank you Court!
A knowledgable and caring attorney who got me an amazing result I was charged with a felony sex crime. I had a previous attorney before hiring Mr. Will. The other attorney told me I needed to plead guilty or I would go to prison for 3 years. Due to a number of reasons, I didn't want to go to trial, and Mr. Will respected that. Mr. Will went to court for me more times than I can count, did some additional investigation and ultimately told me that I could plead guilty to a lesser offense and get probation and house arrest. I was amazed. I give Mr. Will my highest recommendation.