Your Premier Seattle Criminal Defense and Personal Injury Attorneys

Whether it’s fighting for the accused or the injured, our family is here to help yours.

Will & Will Criminal Defense and Personal Injury Attorneys

Will & Will is a husband/wife criminal defense and personal injury law firm serving clients in Seattle and surrounding cities.

Court and Michelle are caring and dedicated advocates who work tirelessly to ensure their clients receive the best possible outcome. 

Criminal Defense

Being accused of a criminal offense is scary. Your liberty and fundamental constitutional rights are on the line. Both the short term and long term consequences of a criminal offense can be overwhelming, and the government will use its vast resources to try and convict you. You need an experienced team behind you to help level the playing field. One that is trial tested and will fight for you every step of the way. One that truly cares and will not give up. Will & Will is that team.

Do I Need a Criminal Defense Attorney?

If you are debating whether you need a criminal defense lawyer, consider what is at stake. One minor mistake in the handling of your case could detrimentally impact your future. This is no time to wait around and hope that the problem will disappear.

If you are under investigation or facing criminal charges in Washington State, finding a skilled Seattle criminal defense lawyer should be your top priority. Some individuals believe the problem will go away on its own or that hiring a lawyer will make them appear guilty. Both of these ideas are untrue and dangerous for your future. 

Having an expert who understands Washington Law inside and out will give you the best chance at a positive outcome.

Personal Injury

Suffering an injury can instantly change your life. It is not something you planned for and it’s hard to know what to do to make sure you have the necessary funds to recover. Working directly with your insurance company isn’t the answer. They simply want to pay out the minimum amount they can get away with and close your file. With expert negotiating skills and vast trial experience, we will take on the insurance companies to ensure you are getting the most money possible.

Common Types of Personal Injury Cases

A personal injury case comes about when one person suffers an injury due to someone else’s negligence or purposeful act. In these situations, the at-fault party will fight to ensure that they pay as little as possible to the victim or have the case thrown out completely. A Seattle personal injury attorney can block these efforts and hold the negligent party accountable.

Here are some of the most common types of personal injury cases.

1. Auto Accidents
2. Slip and Fall Accidents
3. Medical Malpractice
4. Workplace Injuries

5. Wrongful Death
6. Product Liability
7. Assault

The Seattle personal injury attorneys at Will &Will have a combined 35+ years of experience and will go to bat for you against predatory insurance companies that don’t care about your situation. Court and Michelle bring compassion and expertise to the table.

See What Our Clients Are Saying

Meet Your Award Winning Seattle Attorneys

Court Will

Court Will is a Washington native who is highly skilled in defending those facing criminal charges. After graduating with his law degree from Pepperdine University, Court delved into the world of criminal defense law. Since then, he has represented thousands of clients from all walks of life for everything from misdemeanors to serious/violent felonies. With over a decade of criminal defense experience under his belt, Court understands what it takes to secure the best outcome possible for the accused.

Court also fights for those who have been hurt by the negligence of others. His expertise in and out of the courtroom is greatly appreciated by his clients. For his record of success, Court has been recognized as a Superb Lawyer by fellow attorneys. He is a member of multiple nationally recognized organizations, including the Washington Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and the National Institute for Trial Advocacy.

Learn more about Court and his experience as a Seattle criminal defense and personal injury lawyer.

Michelle Will

Michelle Will’s impressive career began after she graduated as one of the youngest members of Brooklyn Law School. She found success prosecuting criminal trials as Deputy District Attorney for the County of San Bernardino. Michelle’s time as a prosecutor allowed her to hone her skills and produce winning results for her clients. With over two decades of experience fighting for justice, Michelle can navigate complex legal scenarios. Her expert negotiation skills and thorough knowledge of Washington Law make her invaluable to those in need of high-caliber legal representation.

Michelle retains a superb lawyer rating from colleagues due to her tenacity and a proven record of client satisfaction. Her experience as a prosecutor allows her to have a deeper knowledge of the legal processes on both sides of the case, making her an asset on any legal team.

Learn more about Michelle and her experience as a Seattle criminal defense and personal injury lawyer.

The Will & Will Difference

Will & Will is dedicated to helping those accused of criminal charges and victims of negligence in Seattle. We are proud of the fact that client referrals are the largest driver of growth for our firm. The enthusiasm our clients have stems from the fact that we deliver the desired results for those who we represent. Read on to learn more about the advantages Will & Will offers you.

Double the Expertise

When you select Will & Will, you’re getting the power of a skilled husband and wife legal team that brings expertise from not one but two successful legal careers to your case. We collaborate on every single case, meaning we ensure that we are analyzing the case from every possible angle and developing the best strategy possible for success.

Great Communication

Unlike some firms that pile on heavy caseloads, we are intentional about the number of cases we take on at any given time. By keeping our caseload manageable, we are able to dedicate the necessary time, attention, and resources to your individual case. We care about each client and make that clear in our decision to keep a small caseload to better serve your needs.

Track Record of Success

We have over 35 years of combined experience ranging from California to Washington State.  We have successfully represented clients accused of everything from misdemeanor domestic violence, to sex crimes, to violent crimes.  On the personal injury side of our practice, we are dedicated to maximizing our client’s recovery.  We fight for the best possible resolution in the pre-trial/pre-litigation stages of a case and if the case cannot be resolved there, we excel at trial.

35+ Years Combined Experience

10.0Courtney James Will
10.0Michelle Ida Will
Courtney James WillReviewsout of 36 reviews

Find Answers to Your Questions on The Will & Will Blog

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Luring in Washington State: Definition, Charges & Defenses

“Luring” is one of those criminal charges that take people by surprise. You can be charged with luring a minor or a person with a ...
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Washington Average Settlement for Concussion in Car Accidents

Concussions are serious injuries, and they’re common in car accidents. In 2017, car crashes were behind nearly 25% of all US hospitalizations from concussions and ...
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What Is a Class C Felony & Sentences in Washington?

Criminal charges are serious, and felonies are the most serious of them all. In Washington state, felony charges are classified according to three classes: A, ...
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What Is a Class A Felony & Sentences in Washington?

If you have been charged with a Class A felony in Washington state, you need to understand that you are facing the most serious type ...
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How to Sue the State of Washington

Washington has more than 67,000 government employees. If any one of these people injures you while they are on duty, you have the right to ...
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What’s Assault 2 for DV Mean in Washington State?

Assault 2 is a serious and violent criminal charge, as it is a class B felony and considered a strike offense. The domestic violence (DV) ...
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I would highly recommend Mr Court for any criminal case consulting. His approach was thoroughly professional. he was a great listener and a good strategist. His approach was methodical and he didnt rush into any decisions. I changed my counsel just before my first court date and Mr Court did an excellent job. The case was finally dismissed in my favor. I would consider myself lucky but Mr court had some innovative ways to approach my case. It was such a pleasure to have Mr Court on my side. He was super responsive over texts and emails. He was punctual and very gentle in communication.
We never imagined we would be in the position to need a defense attorney, but when we did, we were so thankful that we found Court Will. Both he and Michelle are truly the best. Court is extremely dedicated, thoughtful, calm, and confident. He took time to get to know us, the case, and really ensured that we understood not only what was happening, but all possible outcomes. Court was honest, answered every question, took his time with us, gave excellent advice, and ultimately got the best possible outcome we could have hoped for. He is brilliant, and we are most grateful.
After some research & speaking with other attorneys, I came across Court. I instantly knew he was right for my situation. I met him shortly after we discuss some details on the phone. He was very pleasant & very understanding of this difficult time in my life. One of the hardest things I have ever gone through. Of course I hired him. As months passed, he reached out to me & gave me the best news/results I have ever heard. I know the work he did in the background & I couldn’t be more grateful. Thank you Court!
A knowledgable and caring attorney who got me an amazing result I was charged with a felony sex crime. I had a previous attorney before hiring Mr. Will. The other attorney told me I needed to plead guilty or I would go to prison for 3 years. Due to a number of reasons, I didn't want to go to trial, and Mr. Will respected that. Mr. Will went to court for me more times than I can count, did some additional investigation and ultimately told me that I could plead guilty to a lesser offense and get probation and house arrest. I was amazed. I give Mr. Will my highest recommendation.